Susan Anthony Clara Barton Sacagawea Rosa Parks Sojourner Truth

What makes a woman into a heroine?

No it isn't necessary to go to war in order to be rightfully proclaimed as a hero, in fact some of the bravest people on Earth would no sooner hurt a fellow human being than swim to the Moon. Here are some potted biographies of otherwise ordinary women who believed that something wasn't right, and who fought back; sometimes with success but sometimes without. We will start with

Susan B. Anthony

(February 15, 1820 – March 13, 1906)

A leader of the Women's Rights Movement of the 19th century, Susan B. Anthony spoke out on a number of African American and women's suffrage issues. She became secretary for the “Daughters of Temperance” in 1849, co-founded the “American Equal Rights Association” and the “National Woman Suffrage Association”, and was publisher of "Revolution", a New York newspaper published weekly. Her role as secretary for the “Daughters of Temperance” was perhaps the beginning of her activist career, providing her with a podium, as well as a voice to the public. “Revolution” was geared toward the suffrage rights of African Americans and women. Its motto was, “The true republic — men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less." While the primary focus of the journal was on the suffrage movement, it also addressed a number of other women’s issues, such as equal pay, women’s roles, and divorce laws.

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The American Equal Rights Association, which Anthony had co-founded, and had originally been devoted to suffrage for both African Americans and women, granted suffrage to black men in 1869, but not to women. It was largely a result of this decision that Anthony began focusing her attention almost exclusively to women’s rights. On August 18, 1920, fourteen years after Susan B. Anthony’s death, the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote, was ratified to the United States Constitution. In 1979, her memory was honoured as the first American woman portrayed on a U.S coin. The Susan B. Anthony silver dollar was minted in 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1999.

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